waziper Installation Guide for Aapanel (Apache2)

waziper Installation Guide for Aapanel (Apache2)

waziper Installation Guide for Aapanel (Apache2)

waziper Installation Guide for Aapanel (Apache2)

Summary: If you're using Aapanel with Apache2, here's a step-by-step installation guide.

Part 1: Install and configure AApanel Server

Download PuTTY

Download the latest version of PuTTY SSH from the official website. After that, install it on your computer. It’s as simple as that.

Connect PuTTY & Install aaPanel

Cloud Server Account Ex:

IP: username: root password: XvrJ@pDYux2R5Qd

Install Aapanel

wget -O install.sh http://www.aapanel.com/script/install-ubuntu_6.0_en.sh && bash install.sh forum

Please keep a record of your AApanel login details once the installation is finished. EX:

username: jsilnw8t

password: 48ea536b

Install libraries

sudo apt-get install libnss3-dev libatk-bridge2.0-dev libcups2-dev libxkbcommon-dev libgtk-3-dev
  Please watch the video tutorial

Set up AApanel Server using Apache2 web server

Please login aapanel and set up according to the instructions

aaPanel Internal Address: http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:7800/f7eec324

username: xxxxxxxxx

password: xxxxxxxxx

PHP Setup:

  1. Configuring PHP with version 8.0 or 8.1.
  2. Allow_url_fopen: allow_url_fopen=On
  3. Memory_limit = 512M or higher ( Importance)
  4. Upload_max_size = 512M
  5. Post_max_size = 512M
  6. Upload_max_filesize = 512M

Install Extensions:

Installing PHP extensions: exif and intl

Enable Functions:

Allowing execution of functions including exec, putenv, and shell_exec.

Please watch the video tutorial 

Part 2: waziper Install Main Script

Install Waziper Main Script

Please prepare the information before proceeding with the installation

Purchase code:





Admin Account login





Please watch the video tutorial 

Part 3: Install server domain

Download whatsapp_server_module_main.zip file and upload tu server

Step 1: Create Api domain and connect them to your Server IP Address

Ex: api.yourdomain.com

Please set up SSL for Api domain Please watch the video tutorial 

Step 2: API Domain Configure

Insert code below into your API Domain: Please check that you have inserted the code at 2 places as instructed


Please watch the video tutorial 

Step 3. Create a directory in the root folder to upload “whatsapp_server_module_main.zip”.

(whatsapp_server_module_main.zip =  waziper_server.zip in video)

To ensure the safety and security of the system, please place the file in the root directory.


Step 4. Config Database for API Domain

Set up a common database with Main Script 

Part 4: Setup Nodejs

The current version is fully compatible with nodejs 16 and working smoothly.

Install Nodejs version manager 1.6

Install Cronj

Please create Cron according to the instructions

Cron: Once/minute:

sh -c 'cd /root/wa_server && node app'

/root/wa_server: is the path to the server.zip installation directory 

Open PORT 8000

Please open port 8000 according to instructions 

To switch the port to Listening state, you need to complete the following steps:

  • Install server domain
  • Install Nodejs version manager 1.6
  • Install Cronj

Check the working status of the api domain

Please check the link


{"status":"success","message":"Welcome to WAZIPER"}

Please check the link


{"status":"error","message":"The Instance ID must be provided for the process to be completed"}


Part 5: WhatsApp API Configure & Check Qrcode

Api domain set up correctly
Correct setting


Wrong setting


and more….

Set up Cronj according to the daily cycle

sudo kill -9 $(sudo lsof -t -i:8000)